Thursday, November 10, 2011

Describing a Kaspch device

I choose this one: Single-Lane Transceiver

A Single-Lane Transceiver is a device dedicated to short-range communication. It’s rectangular, two colors: white and gray above and below, five pounds weight, with electronic components inside the device.

Single-Lane Transceiver is useful for controlled access. We used it on the AMB project, for the non-stop and go access to the airport, here in Santiago of Chile. The device is designed to be overhead mounted on a single lane access. Its powerful antenna is able to detect the devices that are in the range of it. For the AMB project, this device was used to detect the OBU (On Board Unit or TAG) and send it to the host software. Then, the host software searches this OBU in the “White List”.  If it finds it, the barrier is opened and the vehicle continues its way.

Some other particular things about this device: TCP/IP protocols to host communication, RS-232 serial communication, CEN DSRC and GSS and ISO/CEN EFC complaints.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marcelo,

    I must confess that I had trouble with this one, especially with the abbreviations...jeje It sounds interesting anyway.

