Thursday, October 20, 2011

Group Class #3

Hi again,

we're now going to speak about the world of computers. More specifically about how I use it in my job.

I love to develop computer software, making complex process become simple. I enjoy writing lines of code in some computer language like Delphi. I write documents in some word processor, I send/receive emails, listening some mp3. I spend many hours of the day planning the tasks for the next day or week. Thanks to internet, specially Google, i can find information about anything i want.

Here, in Kaspch, i use the computer for do others things, like find useful software for my team, do customer assistance solving his problems (problems related to the work, indeed).

One important thing about computers, if they did not exists, i should change of job.

See you in the next...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks God computers exist then!!
    Ernesto :)
